space space

Michael Oracz

Designer:Michael Oracz

Published games

De Profundis2003Krimsus Krimskrams-KisteRalf Sandfuchs
Michael Oracz
Neuroshima Hex2006Portal GamesMichael OraczBoard 
Neuroshima Hex – Steel Police2012Portal GamesMichael OraczBoard 
Neuroshima Hex - Duel2009Portal GamesMichael OraczBoard 
Neuroshima Hex - Sharrash2013Portal GamesMichael OraczBoard 
Neuroshima HEX! - Babel 132008Portal GamesMichael OraczBoard 
Raumstation Theseus2014Pegasus SpieleMichael OraczBoard 
Theseus: The Dark Orbit2014Pegasus SpieleMichael OraczBoard 
Witchcraft2008Portal GamesMichael Oracz
Ignacy Trzewiczek

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